
Click to view photo gallery (Disclaimer: The photo gallery contains surgical pictures and examples of diseases.  The pictures are graphic.  They are not recommended for young audiences.)


Initial Visit Forms:

In order to see you more efficiently when you visit your surgeon, please fill these forms out prior to your arrival and bring them with you. You may also fax them to the office 2 days in advance to (210) 490-0505.

To make your visit easier, please bring any records, documents, pathology or colonoscopy reports from your referring physician’s office.

Patient education:

Bowel Preparation:

You may have been asked to prepare your bowel for surgery or a procedure. Similar instructions may have been given to you at your appointment. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully so that your surgery or procedure will go well. Call if you have questions.

Patient Instructions:

Please see the following instructions that may help in the treatment of your disease.

Prescriptions will NOT be refilled outside normal office business hours. Any prescriptions requested outside of office hours may not be called in to your pharmacy or prescriptions made for three (3) business days.

Postoperative Instructions:

It is important to understand what may happen after your surgery or procedure. The instructions below may help you.

Additional information: